Career Access Resource Library


Media Type: Website
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Website Title: Gigniks: Movie Director
Description: Interview with a film director. WHAT YOU DO: A film director plans and supervises the creative elements of a film production - hiring crew members, casting film actors, rehearsal, costume and set design, equipment, shooting, editing, etc. EDUCATION: To become a film director, a college degree in film, media, or communications can be helpful. More important is years of experience in the film industry and at least some basic knowledge of every aspect of the film making process. USEFUL SKILLS: Vision, budgeting, reading comprehension, organization, people skills, leadership skills, communication, determination, ability to handle stress. HOW TO GET IN: Find low-level jobs in the industry by talking to people you know and trying to get in touch with people you don't. Go to studios and production companies and find out about job openings and internships - anything to gain on-set experience. CAREER PATH: Start with an internship or small job in the industry and be prepared to spend years networking and gaining experience working on a set. Meanwhile, start shooting your own productions to get some directing experience and put together a portfolio. Then you might be able to get jobs directing music videos, commercials, and short films. Use the relationships that you've built with people over the years to try to get your work seen by people who matter, and if you're good enough, you might be able to find success as a director. PAYBACK: A broad range, from first-time music video directors, who often work for free, all the way up to in-demand features directors, who can command production fees in the hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars. DOWNSIDES: Long hours, job uncertainty, roller coaster entertainment industry, lots of serious competition, lack of sleep when working. FUTURE OF JOB: Number of jobs is expected to increase 10-19% in the 2013-23 decade, which is average. NETWORKING: The Director's Guild of America offers training programs and other resources: Video produced by students at LACES (Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies) working with Gigniks' career media program. For more information or to make a donation, please visit us at:

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02.05.01 Producing & Directing

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