Career Access Resource Library


Media Type: Website
Website URL: paths/engineering_field_program.html
Website Title: DuPont Field Engineering Program
Description: Since 1903, the DuPont Field Engineering Program has been bringing top-quality engineers into over 70 different domestic DuPont locations. The Program is unique in two ways: it offers engineers an opportunity to gain experience in several types of jobs at different sites throughout DuPont. it offers assignments two to three years in length, affording each engineer an opportunity to train, develop, obtain challenging work assignments and grow professionally. With nearly half of the DuPont professional work force composed of engineers, the field Engineering Program has traditionally recruited the finest engineering talent available. The company's preeminent position in the worldwide chemical and materials markets is due directly to its commitment to the development of our most precious resource -- people. The Field Engineering Program provides you with early-career opportunities to experience the diversity of DuPont in a series of two- to three-year assignments leading towards a career path. The Program offers you a way to build a solid record of accomplishments and a broad-based perspective of the company. Finally, it offers you flexibility to work at several DuPont sites before determining where your talents best suit our business needs.

User Rating: 0 Ratings (mouseover stars to add rating)
06.02.06 Chemical
06.01 General, Engineering

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