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: ent-programs/actuarial-science.aspx
Website Title
Travelers Insurance: Actuarial and Analytics Leadership Development Program
Travelers is continuously seeking top actuarial and analytics talent to join one of the only insurance companies recognized as a component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. One outstanding asset of this company is the Actuarial and Analytics Leadership Development Program (AALDP). The AALDP is a challenging rotational program that provides technical development, business knowledge and leadership experience. The program is supported by cutting-edge industry technology and infrastructure within a large actuarial and analytics community. The goal of the program is to attract, develop and retain future actuarial and analytics technical and business leaders for the company.
User Rating
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09.05.01 Management
09.04.01 Actuarial
09.04 Insurance
09.09 Entry-Level/College Graduate Programs
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